Monday, July 27, 2009

It's an UP week!

Last week was my down week, meaning; the girls were at EFY, I didnt' have anything major to do, most of my summer responsibilities were over, I had a down week! I had a cold, so I simply CHILLAXED! I read about 5 books, I did only the minimum I had to do, basically I took the week off.

So fast forward to this week. Life is catching up to me, and hence to my kids. This is the UP week. We have one week until school starts. I know, I know...we homeschool. We can set our own schedule. We aren't at the mercy of the local school board, we can start school any day we want. That's all fine and good until you factor in seminary. If we have to get up at 5:30, we might as well do school! So...since seminary starts August 3, school starts August 3! YIKES!

During my "down" week Anna, Clint and I (with some last minute help from Blake) painted Lila and Anna's room. All of their stuff was moved out to the bonus room a.k.a. the school room. Oh yeah - we might need that room! Nothing makes me crankier than an unorganized school room the first week of school (eventually it gets like that by Christmastime, but honestly it should be organized until at least Columbus day!)

Then there's that nagging little issue of Clint getting ready for his mission...socks, suits, coats, a bike to buy that list seems endless! And anything I might need him to do before he leaves for the MTC, things he can do that could help ease the pressure off of Blake...

Oh yeah....this is an UP week.

Wake up kids. We have LOT to do this week.

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