Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The checklist

We're rapidly trying to go down the list to make sure everything is done. Let's see...suits- check, white shirts - check, socks - ordered, hopefully they'll arrive today, shoes - check, coat - oops backordered! Who needs a coat in Colorado anyway?

Why is it that everything seems so crazy? We do have all the temple clothing at last. The pants we got were WAY too big. We did get a replacement pair that now need to be hemmed. Clint's going to the temple on Saturday. That in and of itself was kind of crazy. Blake is tied up every night except Friday. This being the first Friday of the month, the session is in Spanish - maybe not the best way to go through the temple for the first time! So Saturday it is.

In the middle of all of this, Brooke and Lila got their patriarchal blessings on Sunday. What a great experience! The blessings were so wonderful. As special and different as each of the girls. Clint and Anna went with us. What wonderful week this has been.

Brooke started her college classes. She LOVES her English teacher. She's not as crazy about her math teacher. But we can't love everything. She's been working everyday so far too. She'll be a busy girl. Luckily we got her all registered and set up in time for everything too.

Lila entered a sweet bread contest at school. She made poppy seed bread and won a place in her freshman class. She gets to take her bread to the Tennessee State Fair. Of course, the judging will take place while we will be in Utah taking Clint to the MTC! Isn't that just our luck? She's really excited though. She gets to go on a field trip with only 30 people. She gets to get in the fair for free, although she has to pay for her own ride arm band. She will however miss the BYU CES fireside that night if she goes to the fair. She's going to ask if Brooke can come and pick her up at the fair early so she can go to the fireside in Franklin. I'm not sure if the school will allow it, but that way she'd get to do both.

This weekend is Parker's birthday! He'll be 9! How did that happen?? We have to squeeze in a birthday celebration somewhere. Then we're having an open house for Clint on Sunday.

Ready, Set, Go!


  1. Good Luck! I was tired just reading about it!

  2. You made it and everything was wonderful. I even enjoyed the open house. How about that.
