Monday, December 7, 2009
Brooke and Lila's Winter formal
Brooke and Lila went to their school's winter formal Friday. They were gorgeous - ok, so I'm biased!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New Pictures of Clint
Monday, November 16, 2009
Queen of Denile
Blake and Anna went to a Daddy Daughter date this weekend. They had to dress up as a famous Dad and daughter. So they went as Cleopatra and Pharoah. (I mean how many Hannah Montanas and Billy Ray Cyrus's can there be??) Anna was beautiful of course, and Blake did his best to look mean and evil! They had a great time. The highlight of the night according to the other 11 year old girls was when Blake fell - I mean slid on the bubble machine residue on the gym floor. They LOVED that! According to Blake he was just trying to make the other people who slipped feel better. Note to self: bubble machines and hardwood floors don't mix!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Random thoughts....
Last year, Anna auditioned for a part in the Wizard of Oz. It was a group audition. Her dance group auditioned to perform as munchkins. They had to learn a dance and sing in the middle of the mall. A touring group was performing the show and they'd get to perform with the theater group. A great opportunity, but of course it was during the holiday season - great! The girls were excited, but they didn't get chosed. Interestingly enough, the group who did get picked was Trace Adkins' daughter's group! They used his name a lot in their publicity of the show - shocking!
Anna had a really great attitude about not being picked. While disappointed, she said she wasn't here to be a star. She thought about her eternal goals and that she had a mission to accomplish here on the earth that didn't neccesarily include performing in a Broadway musical. I'm not sure many 11 year olds would have had that perspective. I know there were many girls there that day who didn't feel the same way. There were many parents there that day who didn't feel that way. What a great lesson she taught us all.

What causes this?? We took Lila to the pediatric allergist this week. She was tested for all kinds of allergies. Not surpirsing, she's highly allergic to cats, dust mites, and grass. Very surprising, she showed no allergic reactions to any foods. So what changes this gorgeous girl into a bad imitation of the elephant man? The doctor ran a gazillion blood tests trying to find out. Apparently we may never know. In the meantime, she is still forbidden to eat any and all strawberries, peanut products, and bananas. It's really bad when we have cravings for peanut butter cookies and no one else is willing to bake them! We certainly can't make her make cookies she can't eat, that would just be cruel.

Anna had a really great attitude about not being picked. While disappointed, she said she wasn't here to be a star. She thought about her eternal goals and that she had a mission to accomplish here on the earth that didn't neccesarily include performing in a Broadway musical. I'm not sure many 11 year olds would have had that perspective. I know there were many girls there that day who didn't feel the same way. There were many parents there that day who didn't feel that way. What a great lesson she taught us all.

What causes this?? We took Lila to the pediatric allergist this week. She was tested for all kinds of allergies. Not surpirsing, she's highly allergic to cats, dust mites, and grass. Very surprising, she showed no allergic reactions to any foods. So what changes this gorgeous girl into a bad imitation of the elephant man? The doctor ran a gazillion blood tests trying to find out. Apparently we may never know. In the meantime, she is still forbidden to eat any and all strawberries, peanut products, and bananas. It's really bad when we have cravings for peanut butter cookies and no one else is willing to bake them! We certainly can't make her make cookies she can't eat, that would just be cruel.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Surprise call at Target
The MTC gave us 10/07 as Clint's estimated leave date. And Clint being Clint, he forgot to tell us last p-day that he was actually leaving yesterday. Of course we were all gone from the house all morning and most of the afternoon. Poor Clint was at the airport plugging coins into the pay phone trying to reach any and all of us with no luck at all.
All of a sudden, I hear my phone ring in Target. I looked down and it was an 801 area code. Concerned, I answered to hear Clint at the other end. I was shocked. I wasn't even expecting him to be calling so soon. He had been trying to reach us for a while. Apparently Brooke's car battery had died at school and Blake had left work to jump start her car. He hadn't been able to reach either one of them. I had Anna, Lila and Parker with me in Target, but they were eating a snack at the snack bar. I quickly ran and grabbed them. I sent Lila to hunt for Grammy down at JCPenney while I paid for the things in my cart. I told Clint to call us back on the home phone number collect in 15 minutes. By the time I got to JCPenney, Lila still hadn't found Grammy. Luckily she was just leaving the dressing rooms and we found her quickly. She thought something was wrong and that I had to get to the airport to go to Clint. Signing just isn't what it should be when you're on the phone and rushing around!!
Blake saw the pay phone number on his work phone and called the number. He located one of the other elders in Clint's district. He found Clint and put him on the phone. Then Blake was able to conference us all into the call! Thank heaven for technology and someone that knows how to use it.
When he called Brooke, Blake told her that he had a surprise for her. You should have heard her scream when she heard Clint's voice! She was so shocked and surprised! It was so fun to talk to him.
He is so excited to get to Colorado Springs, but a little apprehensive too. He's a little nervous about getting outside the bubble of the MTC. I'm sure he'll be fine once he's out in the real world but he's not sure what to expect. He loved getting all the packages from everyone while he was in there. He said that he received as many packages as the other elders got letters. He felt very loved.
He sounded so good. He's grown a lot in the MTC and I'm sure he'll grow a lot more in the weeks to come. What a great day it was for us to be able to talk to him and hear that he is doing well. We look forward to hearing how this first week goes for him and who his first companion is. Looking for that first email...
All of a sudden, I hear my phone ring in Target. I looked down and it was an 801 area code. Concerned, I answered to hear Clint at the other end. I was shocked. I wasn't even expecting him to be calling so soon. He had been trying to reach us for a while. Apparently Brooke's car battery had died at school and Blake had left work to jump start her car. He hadn't been able to reach either one of them. I had Anna, Lila and Parker with me in Target, but they were eating a snack at the snack bar. I quickly ran and grabbed them. I sent Lila to hunt for Grammy down at JCPenney while I paid for the things in my cart. I told Clint to call us back on the home phone number collect in 15 minutes. By the time I got to JCPenney, Lila still hadn't found Grammy. Luckily she was just leaving the dressing rooms and we found her quickly. She thought something was wrong and that I had to get to the airport to go to Clint. Signing just isn't what it should be when you're on the phone and rushing around!!
Blake saw the pay phone number on his work phone and called the number. He located one of the other elders in Clint's district. He found Clint and put him on the phone. Then Blake was able to conference us all into the call! Thank heaven for technology and someone that knows how to use it.
When he called Brooke, Blake told her that he had a surprise for her. You should have heard her scream when she heard Clint's voice! She was so shocked and surprised! It was so fun to talk to him.
He is so excited to get to Colorado Springs, but a little apprehensive too. He's a little nervous about getting outside the bubble of the MTC. I'm sure he'll be fine once he's out in the real world but he's not sure what to expect. He loved getting all the packages from everyone while he was in there. He said that he received as many packages as the other elders got letters. He felt very loved.
He sounded so good. He's grown a lot in the MTC and I'm sure he'll grow a lot more in the weeks to come. What a great day it was for us to be able to talk to him and hear that he is doing well. We look forward to hearing how this first week goes for him and who his first companion is. Looking for that first email...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Our trip to the MTC
We didn't make too many stops, but we couldn't resist stopping in Independence at the visitor's center. As it turns out, this mission is next door to Clint's mission. His part of Kansas runs right next to their part of Kansas. One of the sisters serving at the visitor's center had just returned from serving near the border of their mission. She said - yep no one really lives out there! The people that do are very nice and will invite you to sit on their porch and chat with you!
Then of course we had to take of picture of the Community of Christ's temple. Parked across the street was this interesting van!
This is a picture of the Garden of the God's. Pike's Peak is in the background. There is a beautiful park in the foreground with wonderful hiking and biking trails. It's right in Colorado Springs.
On the face of one mountain in the Garden of the Gods, a couple of rock climbers must have left their water bottles !
This rock formation was called "kissing camels." It's a little hard to tell from this angle, but you can kind of see the two heads kissing each other.
We stopped to see the Denver Temple too. It's beautiful. We didn't have time to go through it, but we did take a few pictures.
Here we are finally at the MTC! Clint was so excited - as you can see. It was a quick goodbye which was easier than a long goodbye. I miss him coming into my room every night and talking to us. I miss him making me laugh. But I LOVE hearing how much he loves studying the gospel. He's really enjoying what he's doing. I know he'll grow so much. Love you Clint!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The checklist
We're rapidly trying to go down the list to make sure everything is done. Let's see...suits- check, white shirts - check, socks - ordered, hopefully they'll arrive today, shoes - check, coat - oops backordered! Who needs a coat in Colorado anyway?
Why is it that everything seems so crazy? We do have all the temple clothing at last. The pants we got were WAY too big. We did get a replacement pair that now need to be hemmed. Clint's going to the temple on Saturday. That in and of itself was kind of crazy. Blake is tied up every night except Friday. This being the first Friday of the month, the session is in Spanish - maybe not the best way to go through the temple for the first time! So Saturday it is.
In the middle of all of this, Brooke and Lila got their patriarchal blessings on Sunday. What a great experience! The blessings were so wonderful. As special and different as each of the girls. Clint and Anna went with us. What wonderful week this has been.
Brooke started her college classes. She LOVES her English teacher. She's not as crazy about her math teacher. But we can't love everything. She's been working everyday so far too. She'll be a busy girl. Luckily we got her all registered and set up in time for everything too.
Lila entered a sweet bread contest at school. She made poppy seed bread and won a place in her freshman class. She gets to take her bread to the Tennessee State Fair. Of course, the judging will take place while we will be in Utah taking Clint to the MTC! Isn't that just our luck? She's really excited though. She gets to go on a field trip with only 30 people. She gets to get in the fair for free, although she has to pay for her own ride arm band. She will however miss the BYU CES fireside that night if she goes to the fair. She's going to ask if Brooke can come and pick her up at the fair early so she can go to the fireside in Franklin. I'm not sure if the school will allow it, but that way she'd get to do both.
This weekend is Parker's birthday! He'll be 9! How did that happen?? We have to squeeze in a birthday celebration somewhere. Then we're having an open house for Clint on Sunday.
Ready, Set, Go!
Why is it that everything seems so crazy? We do have all the temple clothing at last. The pants we got were WAY too big. We did get a replacement pair that now need to be hemmed. Clint's going to the temple on Saturday. That in and of itself was kind of crazy. Blake is tied up every night except Friday. This being the first Friday of the month, the session is in Spanish - maybe not the best way to go through the temple for the first time! So Saturday it is.
In the middle of all of this, Brooke and Lila got their patriarchal blessings on Sunday. What a great experience! The blessings were so wonderful. As special and different as each of the girls. Clint and Anna went with us. What wonderful week this has been.
Brooke started her college classes. She LOVES her English teacher. She's not as crazy about her math teacher. But we can't love everything. She's been working everyday so far too. She'll be a busy girl. Luckily we got her all registered and set up in time for everything too.
Lila entered a sweet bread contest at school. She made poppy seed bread and won a place in her freshman class. She gets to take her bread to the Tennessee State Fair. Of course, the judging will take place while we will be in Utah taking Clint to the MTC! Isn't that just our luck? She's really excited though. She gets to go on a field trip with only 30 people. She gets to get in the fair for free, although she has to pay for her own ride arm band. She will however miss the BYU CES fireside that night if she goes to the fair. She's going to ask if Brooke can come and pick her up at the fair early so she can go to the fireside in Franklin. I'm not sure if the school will allow it, but that way she'd get to do both.
This weekend is Parker's birthday! He'll be 9! How did that happen?? We have to squeeze in a birthday celebration somewhere. Then we're having an open house for Clint on Sunday.
Ready, Set, Go!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Add more to the list...

After giving her Zyrtec, Pepcid and then even some Benedryl she didn't seem to get much better. She went through almost an entire box of Kleenex. Still....not the huge face swelling she gets from the strawberries and not the immediate reaction. Then, the wheezing started and the tightness around her chest. So she ended up having to use her Epi-pen anyway. The good thing is that her symptoms cleared up immediately. The other good thing, we had 2 since she was away so much for the summer.
The bad news, she might be allergic to peanuts as well as strawberries. Luckily, her appointment with the allergist is coming up. Hopefully she will develop all her allergies prior to her appointment! She was able to go to sleep after all that medication. Blake got home shortly after all of the excitement and she was able to use his inhaler too. That helped clear up her breathing as well.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Andrew went into the MTC!

We're excited, really we are. We're also a little sad. Andrew went into the MTC yesterday. Brooke's fingers are twitching. She isn't texting as much. She had a hard time going to sleep last night. She started texting Clint from her room late last night when he got home late. (She claims she was worried about him because she didn't hear him come in and check in with me when he got home) But, we all think she's really going through withdrawals since she would text Andrew every night before she fell asleep.
We know he's going to be a fabulous missionary. He has so many adventures ahead of him. He's such a fine young man. He'll meet the challenge of learning such a challenging language and living in such a different culture. I'm sure the people in his new country will love him as much as we do.
Pretty soon Clint will be there with him. The MTC may never be the same!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I got a really great email last night from a fellow missionary mom. Her son is BJ's new companion. You can see a picture of them on the mission's blog.
Their picture is down at the bottom under arrivals/departures. It was fun to hear that he's doing a good job welcoming his new elder into the mission. I'm so happy he wrote the family too. His trainer did that when he arrived in the country and it was so comforting to me. I thought I'd share.
Hello Sally,
We just learned today that your son is our son's trainer! We are so excited about this since you helped us (through emails) as we packed our son the night before he went into the MTC. He says your son is nice, and he "really like(s) Elder Lasson too. He is a good missionary." He also said the 65 active people in the ward are "so nice and so generous."
You son sent us this wonderful email today. We are so impressed with his maturity. We are grateful he is Matthew's trainer--what a blessing!
Let's keep in touch,
Jeff and Allison Bean
¡Hola Bean Family!
I'm Elder Lasson the trainer of your son here in the Santiago North Mission. I know that many times parents are worried about who their missionary´s first companion is so I thought that I would write you and let you know who I am.
I have to say that your son is a great young man, I have been able to feel the strength of his testimony and his conviction of the truth of the gospel when I have heard him testify thus far in the lessons. he truly will become a great missionary.
I want you to know that I am taking care of him and that I am making sure that he has the best mission experience possible. He is going to be a great warrior of truth here in Chile.
Elder Lasson
Their picture is down at the bottom under arrivals/departures. It was fun to hear that he's doing a good job welcoming his new elder into the mission. I'm so happy he wrote the family too. His trainer did that when he arrived in the country and it was so comforting to me. I thought I'd share.
Hello Sally,
We just learned today that your son is our son's trainer! We are so excited about this since you helped us (through emails) as we packed our son the night before he went into the MTC. He says your son is nice, and he "really like(s) Elder Lasson too. He is a good missionary." He also said the 65 active people in the ward are "so nice and so generous."
You son sent us this wonderful email today. We are so impressed with his maturity. We are grateful he is Matthew's trainer--what a blessing!
Let's keep in touch,
Jeff and Allison Bean
¡Hola Bean Family!
I'm Elder Lasson the trainer of your son here in the Santiago North Mission. I know that many times parents are worried about who their missionary´s first companion is so I thought that I would write you and let you know who I am.
I have to say that your son is a great young man, I have been able to feel the strength of his testimony and his conviction of the truth of the gospel when I have heard him testify thus far in the lessons. he truly will become a great missionary.
I want you to know that I am taking care of him and that I am making sure that he has the best mission experience possible. He is going to be a great warrior of truth here in Chile.
Elder Lasson
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
It's an UP week!
Last week was my down week, meaning; the girls were at EFY, I didnt' have anything major to do, most of my summer responsibilities were over, I had a down week! I had a cold, so I simply CHILLAXED! I read about 5 books, I did only the minimum I had to do, basically I took the week off.
So fast forward to this week. Life is catching up to me, and hence to my kids. This is the UP week. We have one week until school starts. I know, I know...we homeschool. We can set our own schedule. We aren't at the mercy of the local school board, we can start school any day we want. That's all fine and good until you factor in seminary. If we have to get up at 5:30, we might as well do school! So...since seminary starts August 3, school starts August 3! YIKES!
During my "down" week Anna, Clint and I (with some last minute help from Blake) painted Lila and Anna's room. All of their stuff was moved out to the bonus room a.k.a. the school room. Oh yeah - we might need that room! Nothing makes me crankier than an unorganized school room the first week of school (eventually it gets like that by Christmastime, but honestly it should be organized until at least Columbus day!)
Then there's that nagging little issue of Clint getting ready for his mission...socks, suits, coats, a bike to buy that list seems endless! And anything I might need him to do before he leaves for the MTC, things he can do that could help ease the pressure off of Blake...
Oh yeah....this is an UP week.
Wake up kids. We have LOT to do this week.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission
We anxiously awaited his arrival home from work! When he finally opened his letter - Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission!!
Once he actually looked at the envelope, he knew he was going English speaking based on the postage. A friend at BYU had figured out the postage of the English speaking missionaries and the foreign speaking missionaries. (The foreign speaking packages get one additional page in their packet - we compared BJ's to Clint's!)
He's very excited and now we're in the process of getting his things together for him. The luxury of going stateside is that we've already received 2 different letters from his mission president - one for him and one for us his parents. We didn't receive one from BJ's mission president until after he was in the MTC.
Now on to the preparations, the list making, and saving money - well, spending it too.
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