We anxiously awaited his arrival home from work! When he finally opened his letter - Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission!!
Once he actually looked at the envelope, he knew he was going English speaking based on the postage. A friend at BYU had figured out the postage of the English speaking missionaries and the foreign speaking missionaries. (The foreign speaking packages get one additional page in their packet - we compared BJ's to Clint's!)
He's very excited and now we're in the process of getting his things together for him. The luxury of going stateside is that we've already received 2 different letters from his mission president - one for him and one for us his parents. We didn't receive one from BJ's mission president until after he was in the MTC.
Now on to the preparations, the list making, and saving money - well, spending it too.
You'll find that there is a lot of advantages of going state side. Sending packages is definately easier. And speaking English gives them lots of time to study the scriptures instead of the language. Congratulations Clint!!!
ReplyDeleteI have yet to meet someone from Colorado that I did not like. I have flown on planes with them, befriended them here in Utah and enjoyed being with them on their home turf. People love to Kayak, Ski, Climb and just be cool.
You will love it there!! Congratulations.
How exciting!!! When does he report and are you going to tell us the secret about the postage? I want to know for when James get his call.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Clint! Being just a little biased, you're one lucky guy. Colorado is a great place-- we loved our time there. Next time you guys are in Utah, let us know.
ReplyDeleteSheree - English calls are $1.56, foreign language calls are $1.65! One more page in the package for foreign language calls!